An Audible Anthology - Poems from The Atlantic Monthly read aloud

Owl Pellet (1992)
The Accident (1995)
India Cotton Shirt (1996)
Woodcock (1999)
To the Animal in the Hole (1999)
Passage (2000)
First Pantoum of Summer (2003)
Journey (2003)


Lit from Inside, 40 Years of Poetry from Alice James Books, ed. Anne Marie Macari and Carey Salerno (Alice James Books, 2013)

Literature: Craft and Voice, by Nicholas Delbanco and Alan Cheuse (McGraw Hill, 2012)

The Poets Guide to Birds, eds. Judith Kitchen and Ted Kooser (Florida State Univ., Anhinga Press, 2009)

The Way We Work, Contemporary Writings from the American Workplace, ed. Peter Scheckner, M. C. Boyes (Vanderbilt University Press, 2008)

Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate, Wendy Johnson (Random House, 2008)

Poetry Daily Essentials, 2007, eds. Diane Boller and Don Selby (Sourcebooks, 2007)

Good Poems For Hard Times, ed. Garrison Keillor (New York: Penguin, 2005)

Writing About Literature in the Media Age, Daniel Anderson (UNC at Chapel Hill, 2005)

Poetry From Sojourner: A Feminist Anthology, ed. Ruth Lepson with Lynne Yamaguchi (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2004)

The Ohio Review New and Selected, ed. Wayne Dodd (Athens, Ohio: The Ohio Review, 2001)

Desire Lines: Poetry Portfolios, in The American Voice, no. 35, ed. Sarah Gorham (Louisville, 1994)

Telling Stories: An Anthology for Writers, ed. Joyce Carol Oates (New York: W. W. Norton, 1977)

Working Classics: Poems On Industrial Life, ed. Nicolas Coles and Peter Oresick (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990)

Contemporary New England Poetry: A Sampler, ed. Paul Ruffin (Sam Houston State University: Texas Review Press, 1987)  

The Anthology of Edible Poetry: Poems in Fortune Cookies, ed. Peter Payack, 1980

Standing Up selected by the Cambridge Arts Council to be sand-blasted into the walls of the Davis Square MBTA Station, 1980



Academy of American Poets: The Women Who Clean Fish, Tenderness, and Vision

The Poetry Foundation: Apple Tree, Cryogenics, Earth Day in Provincetown, Grief, Identification, Tae Kwon Do and Valentine

“The Accident,” in The Atlantic

“To the Animal in the Hole,” in The Atlantic  

“Apology,” in The New Yorker

“Art and Grandchild,” in Agni

“The Blue in Beets” and “Hammer,” in The Paris Review

“Day Work” on Beatrice

“December, New England” in New England Review

"First Pantoum of Summer" in The Atlantic

“Imaginary Friends,” in Agni

“Impossible,” on Gwarlingo

“India Cotton Shirt,” in The Atlantic

"Journey" in The Atlantic

“Kerf” in The Nation

“Owl Pellet,” in The Atlantic

“Passage,” in The Atlantic

“The Pianist Upstairs,” in The Atlantic

“Swarf,” in The Nation

“Wedding Ghazal,” in The Atlantic

“Woodcock,” in The Atlantic


Jan. 3, 2017 debut of Mark Kilstofte’s The White Album, in which the poem “Here,” from Pursuit, has been set to music and is performed by Karol Bennett

The Essay “One Hawk, One Salt Marsh, One Swimmer,” is available from Harvard Review

A number of poems not collected into any published book are available through Agni Magazine.

“Here We Are”: Poem for the dedication of the MIT Memorial to Officer Sean Collier - article about the 2015 poem, “Here We Are,” written collaboratively by Funkhouser and her Advanced Poetry Writing Students in honor of Officer Sean Collier.  Includes video of the class’s reading of the poem at the memorial service for Collier at MIT.

2010 Review of Kevin Young’s “Dear Darkness” (Knopf)

Nov. 6, 2002 CSPAN coverage of the Boston Public Library Event: Which book most deserved the National Book Award of 1902?  Harvey Cox represents William James’s Varieties of Religious Experience, Steven Pinker argues on behalf of The Autobiography of Helen Keller and Erica Funkhouser defends Owen Wister’s novel, The Virginian.  Guess who won?